Safety Workshop Day

Today my husband and I are attending a children's safety workshop along with some other family members. It is important to us that we both know what to do in the event of an emergency. My daughter gags and chokes quite often as she tries new foods and textures and I lovingly tease my husband for the way he panics.
Some babies are great with new foods and some are not. Ours is the latter. She loves food and is always interested in trying out what we're eating but the second it is in her mouth she will either gag or try stuffing her mouth with as much food as she can get her hands on. I'm afraid I will be breaking her food into tiny pieces until she is an adult.
Admittedly, it is scary to watch your child gag and choke but they almost always cough it up on their own. I have become quite efficient at scooping slimy bits of food out of her mouth with my fingers. My husband, however, gets wide-eyed and starts jumping around without really doing anything to help.
I have my fingers crossed that this workshop will give him the confidence to know what to do in an emergency and that it will give me the confidence to leave our daughter alone with him during mealtime!


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