You're Pregnant Again?!

Any pregnancy that comes from love is typically a happy and welcomed pregnancy. So why is it that as the number of pregnancies a woman has had increases, the reactions from others changes from happy/excited to shocked/concerned?
My husband and I are expecting our third. It doesn't seem like an outrageous number to me, yet the look on people's faces ranges from surprise to pity. PITY. I've even heard, "Oh you poor thing, you're going to have your hands full." Umm yes I know, I've done this twice before. I mean, if you weren't the one to put it there, nor will you be the one delivering it, why do you have an opinion? Are you responsible for feeding, clothing, educating or raising any of these children? Am I going crazy here? Why do people feel the need to impose their beliefs and opinions on others? 
I'm aware all of the questions are making me sound gradually more hysterical and I may or may not be hitting the keyboard keys slightly harder with each one I type out.
I went to the doctor today with my two kiddies in tow. As I pulled out my double stroller, filled it with children and then proceeded to walk into the doctor's office, several people looked from my stroller to my visible belly and back again. Yes they are mine; yes I realize I'm pregnant again, and yes I may be slightly crazy. 
In anticipation of others' reactions, I started answering the "is this your first or second" question with "no it's my third" as I'm outwardly cringing. I used to TELL people this pregnancy was not planned. Why does anyone need to know that? The dust had barely settled on my last pregnancy before this one started (See what I did there? I made a joke because it's my body and my pregnancy and I'm allowed) so I can blame extended baby brain for that lapse in judgement. For the record, I now smile as I'm answering that question but reactions are usually the same.
A few months ago, I even had someone ask me if my husband and I used any form of birth control. "I may have the conception on video if you'd like to see it?" is the response I should have given but instead I actually explained my birth control methods and subsequent private conversation with my husband to this virtual stranger. I'd love to go back and kick myself for that one. You can bet I won't make that mistake twice so go ahead and ask me what happened. I dare you!
If anyone is interested, my next post will be about our upcoming vasectomies and/or tubal ligations...or maybe it'll be another pregnancy post. You just never know what this crazy family will do!


  1. Very well said Stephanie. Children are a gift from God and I don't see why anyone should have an opinion on how many children someone has. It really is none of their business. When they are stupid enough to say something stupid, just smile back and make them feel like the idiot they you Bella.

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