Happy New Year

We ended 2015 and began 2016 running for the toilet as our household was hit with a stomach bug. I have always been a germophobe but vomit takes it to a whole other level for me. Instead of taking my daughter into the bathroom when I saw she was about to get sick, or grabbing a towel or bucket, I just ran around frantically. The last week has taught me that when it comes to having a sick child, I am utterly useless. Thankfully, my husband was able to take charge in that department while I stuck to laundry and disinfecting. I would have doused myself in Lysol if I could but I stuck to cleaning anything I could think of and washing my hands constantly.
Lucky for me, we happen to be living with my parents while we wait for our house to be built and my mom helped us a great deal. I am almost afraid of moving out of here and having to deal with a stomach bug without her help.
It's a good thing I am almost 7 months pregnant because, for now at least, I can blame some of my craziness on hormones. At some point (if he hasn't already), my husband will realize that when the next bug hits, he will likely be on his own.
If you happen to have any tips for emetophobia (yes this is actually a thing), please comment with your suggestions. Although I can tell you that "just get over it" as I've been told many times, really isn't going to help!
Cheers to a happy and HEALTHY 2016!


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