An Afternoon Running Errands, Pre and Post Baby
Earlier this week I decided to run some errands between my daughter's nap times. The hilarity that ensued prompted me to compare running errands pre-baby with the marathon I had just experienced.
On my list: to drive 15 minutes to the next town because I had to grab a hair product at Target and then a stop at Walmart to pick up some pictures.
1) Leave whenever I want, drive with the music cranked and dance along to the radio.
2) Arrive at Target
3) Stroll the aisles and pick up anything interesting before making my way to the pharmacy for the hair product I wanted
4) Pay for my item(s)
5) Drive over to Walmart
6) Pick up my pictures from the photo lab
7) Stop and grab an iced coffee to enjoy on my way home
1) Eat lunch while I wait for baby to wake up
2) Prepare baby's lunch and feed her as soon as she wakes up
3) Put on baby's shoes and my own and, just as I'm about to unlock the front door, realize she has pooped
4) Take shoes off and run upstairs to change her diaper
5) Get into the car and begin driving
6) Get stuck in construction traffic making my 15 minute drive closer to 40 minutes
7) Glance at time and calculate how long I have until baby's next nap
8) Arrive at Target
9) Holding baby on my hip, check to see if there is a sale on diapers (since I'm here)
10) Grab a box of diapers
11) Struggle with baby and box of diapers and make my way to pharmacy to grab hair product I originally came for
12) Since I left my phone in the car because I was just "running in", ask cashier to calculate price per diaper to make sure I'm getting a good deal (pretend not to notice their eye rolls)
13) Pay for my items and carry everything to the car
14) Diaper box rips and falls on the road in the parking lot; adjust baby and pick up box from non-ripped end
15) Feel something hot on my side and realize baby has peed through her diaper
16) Lie baby down in backseat of my car and do a "quick" diaper and outfit change
17) Dig through diaper bag for wipes and come up with pacifier wipes
18) Make mental note to yell at husband for finishing the wipes without telling me
19) Load baby in car and drive over to Walmart
20) Arrive at photo lab
21) Try to convince baby to smile at photo lab worker so we can have our pictures
22) Load baby in car and begin to drive home
23) Stop for an iced coffee and try not to think about how many diapers I can buy for $4.90
24) Get stuck in traffic again and panic about time
25) Listen to baby cry most of the way home because she is tired
On most days, I really can't complain that my daughter is a good napper. However, on days where I need (or want) to get out of the house, I have a very limited window. I never would have thought that a simple errand could be so far from simple but that is what my life has become, at least while my daughter is small. Would I change it? Not a chance. Where else would I get the material for these posts?
LMAO....ohhh...the adventures us moms experience. Thanks for sharing and making me laugh.