An Afternoon Running Errands, Pre and Post Baby
Earlier this week I decided to run some errands between my daughter's nap times. The hilarity that ensued prompted me to compare running errands pre-baby with the marathon I had just experienced. On my list: to drive 15 minutes to the next town because I had to grab a hair product at Target and then a stop at Walmart to pick up some pictures. Pre-baby: 1) Leave whenever I want, drive with the music cranked and dance along to the radio. 2) Arrive at Target 3) Stroll the aisles and pick up anything interesting before making my way to the pharmacy for the hair product I wanted 4) Pay for my item(s) 5) Drive over to Walmart 6) Pick up my pictures from the photo lab 7) Stop and grab an iced coffee to enjoy on my way home Post-baby: 1) Eat lunch while I wait for baby to wake up 2) Prepare baby's lunch and feed her as soon as she wakes up 3) Put on baby's shoes and my own and, just as I'm about to unlock the front door, realize she has pooped ...