
Showing posts from September, 2014

It's a Sunny Friday!

While my daughter naps I am sitting here trying to decide what to do on this beautiful Friday afternoon. September is apple-picking season and I have settled on a farm that is close to home and doesn't cost anything to go. They give you free reign of the orchard and we will only pay for the apples we pick.  It is a sunny, 25-degree day and I can't think of a better way to spend it! I hope you are all enjoying this glorious day. I know that the cold weather is approaching so I will be making the most of these warm, sunny days! Have a blessed weekend!


My husband and I are getting ready to list our first home. It is a townhouse and we are looking to buy a detached home as our family grows and our needs change. We are feeling so many different emotions: stressed at the thought of packing up our home and keeping it in perfect condition since prospective buyers will be coming through with very little notice, excited because we are moving forward with our plans for our family, nostalgic because this is the first home we bought as a couple and began to build our life in. This is also the home we brought our first child into. These walls hold all of our married life memories, as well as our daughter's first words, steps, gestures. I have been looking forward to purchasing a new home for so long that I'm surprising myself with how sad I feel. I will just have to keep reminding myself of all the new memories we will make in our next home. I've got plenty of work to do in the next few weeks to keep my mind occupied!


I have come to accept that life with a baby means I can no longer run into stores like Costco for "just a couple of things". I will always spend at least $100. My most recent trip began with me convincing myself that I would stock up on toilet paper and baby wipes, as well as my husband's favourite cheese that is a much better price at Costco than the regular grocery store. However, to get to the cheese and toilet paper (which are conveniently located at the back of the store), I had to walk by the clothes. So I grabbed a t-shirt for my hard-working husband and then noticed some really cute children's pj's and picked up one of those. I finally made it to the grocery section where I found the items I needed and made my way towards the cash. Since my daughter was born I always make a point to check the price of diapers and sure enough, they were on sale. I didn't need them just yet but I knew that when I did there wouldn't be a sale (Murphy's Law), so ...

Our First Trip To Canada's Wonderland

My husband and I decided that yesterday was a good time to take our 14-month-old to Canada's Wonderland. It is a long weekend so I knew it would be busy but it was too beautiful of a day to pass up. We had dinner at home and left in the early evening. I have not been to Wonderland in several years but boy is it expensive! It went something like this: Parking attendant: "That'll be $20 for regular parking or $25 for premium parking". Me: Wide-eyed expression "Really? Just to park? What's premium parking?" Parking attendant: "Premium parking is a designated area that is closer to the gate" Me: "Right, ok just regular parking. We'll walk" Parking Attendant: "Sure, $20 please" Me: Mumbling, hands over money. I was surprised they didn't also ask for my firstborn. It was already after 6 and the park was only open until 10! My husband gently reminded me that we knew it would be expensive and to let it go. S...